Friday, March 15, 2024

The Flowing Tide


High and large and dark the sea rose from the horizon, against the white beach. Norderney..'Sei mir gegrüsst, du Ewiges Meer.'

Why is this so beautiful, so beautiful, that I have to think about it almost every day and it brings tears to my eyes almost every day? I try to fathom it by repeating it, but it doesn't want to be fathomed that way and it flees from me. Small and alone I stand before the sea, before the sky.. I surrender to them, they take me from myself. Sea and sky take over from me. Over the blue waves my eyes anchor deep to the horizon, I am as wide as I see, I reach as far as I meditate.. my indefinable musings are lost in my limitless being -, so compact, small clouds settle into thin mists ..

- Carry van Bruggen, Dutch Author, 1881-1932, excerpt from Eva © Querido publishers 

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