Thursday, May 18, 2023

Ascension Day

Ascension Day comes when the season of blossoming is reaching fullness. Trees and plants, stirring upwards in growth, have been touched by the warmth and light from the blue bowl of the sky above and shower forth its blessings in color and scent. The whole of nature reaches upwards towards the heavens.

The longing of the human soul strives also upward, in unison with nature, seeking the touch of world-warmth from the sun. This mood of ascension attunes all of life to the expanses of the cosmos.

However closely heaven and earth are aligned, their relationship is not always the same. In this we see the miracle of the seasons - the breathing-in and breathing-out of the great earth soul.

At the time of the Ascension of Christ, nature celebrates the ascension of the soul of the earth. It can hardly be by chance that the forty days between Easter and Ascension coinside with the season.
Every year in the springtime, when the earth breathes out its yearning for the airy spaces above, the mystery of the Ascension of Christ, who is the Spirit of the Earth, is renewed.

And surely it must be so that as Christ has ascended to glory, in the fullness of time so too will humanity ascend, and be transfigured into what will become our soul's true and ultimate destiny.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Your Children Are Not Your Children

"Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself."

- Kahlil Gibran

A reflection

It is only human to be devoted and attached to one's family. To desire a good relationship with one's own children is probably the most genuine desire of any parent. To lose the connection, whether by death or by life, causes suffering. 

To come to peace with this loss is possible..; to lay the suffering to rest is also possible. But it is only possible when to the profoundest depths is understood that love is not an exclusive blessing for one's own loved ones, but that love abounds and permeates everything. Then the heart calms down and the surrender to what is simply follows.


Art: Les enfants de Bretagne by Emil Vernon