Showing posts with label Shakti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shakti. Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2023



Purify what remains impure in me

that I may be a vessel full of honey

for without your help it will remain

an unrefined nothing,

my beekeeper, my queen.

You show me the path

which leads me to your hidden garden

winding through the labyrinth of my days.

For I know that in that blessed place

I can work freely,

and when the sun is high

I will kneel down.

I mirror myself in your sweet source

and the honey chalice opens.

Everything becomes light with you,

everything is renewed,

at your word the desert will bloom.

It is what I have longed for,

what I so long have sought,

what I have hoped for all my days:

To become a room

among the many rooms 

in the Mother-house of Love.

Art: Bhramari Devi - Hindu Bee Goddess. A form of Shakti who changed into a bee to fight demons and negativity. Artist: Greg Spalenka