Saturday, May 13, 2023

Your Children Are Not Your Children

"Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself."

- Kahlil Gibran

A reflection

It is only human to be devoted and attached to one's family. To desire a good relationship with one's own children is probably the most genuine desire of any parent. To lose the connection, whether by death or by life, causes suffering. 

To come to peace with this loss is possible..; to lay the suffering to rest is also possible. But it is only possible when to the profoundest depths is understood that love is not an exclusive blessing for one's own loved ones, but that love abounds and permeates everything. Then the heart calms down and the surrender to what is simply follows.


Art: Les enfants de Bretagne by Emil Vernon


  1. Emma, yours is the wisdom which flows from the heart's pain, and such wisdom is hard-won. What you call here "the surrender to what is" is, as you assure the reader, the eventual path to follow, for the result that is gained is true peace of heart. Thank you so much for such a moving post - and also for the beautiful painting!

    1. Thank you so much, David, for your heartfelt words here, drawn also from your own experiences in this matter. And I am happy that you too like this painting! 🙏💗🌺
