Wednesday, March 23, 2022


You can not reach all suffering humanity all the time.

You can hold all souls as whole in your heart, not just their horrors and losses.

This is the stronger prayer:

Wholeness despite holes through and through.

Hold all the injured as whole,

and on the torn red beribboned slingshot

of your heart...

aim, draw back hard, harder

and release all your holiest and  most healing thoughts 

to fly across all divides,

to fly across all big waters,

to vault across all insanities...

Bid the holy to fly - and to land at this moment

in exactly the places most needed.

Souls sense being fiercely prayed for,

on, over, with, daily.

Knowing that someone

who knows you not

is nonetheless praying,

pouring will and strength into you, 

for you, into and for those you pray for:

This is inestimable medicine for the soul.

Continue then and tend

to the poor in spirit,

the poor in soul,

the poor in health,

the poor in want,

right before you:

the ailing kin, the street man,

the road mother, the broken friend,

the innocent child, the torn,

the wondering, the wandering.

I tell you,

those who would care across the ocean only,

and not care for those they can wash

who are standing right before them,

are not fully caring yet.

I know you understand this:

That we desperately

want all humanity to not hurt...

and that this is one of the worthiest

prayers we know.

Thus, we bend to tend, 

in whatever ways we are called,

to those within our reach - 

wherever that reach reaches...

for there are times

when Creator has no hands,

only ours...

Thus, in this tending, we keep the greatest

blood contract with Creator,

with our Holy Mother, 

our souls have ever signed...

So may it be for thee

so may it be for me

And so may it be for us all.




And with oceanic love...

Excerpt from: Untie the Strong Woman - "Remembering Our Billions" - by Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Painting: "Ukrainian Praying Woman" by Fedir Krychevsky


  1. Such power and passion are in these lines. Not the power exhibited by mere flexing of muscles and petty ambitions, and not the passion of blind craving to make more and yet more things our own. These lines come from a far deeper power and a far more profound passion, and in this they transcend any lesser strivings. These lines by Clarissa Pinkola Estés have truly touched me. Thank you, Emma.

    1. Thank you, Hawkwood, for such a compassionate and insightful comment. Thank you so much! ♥♥♥
