Sunday, September 29, 2024



The Feast of Saint Michaël is the symbol for the human being to be aware in consciousness to recognize evil in the world and to fight it.
According to John's Book of Revelation this fight takes place in the heavens. Michaël and his angels fought against the dragon and his helpers. "And the great dragon, the old snake, ...was conquered and thrown out of heaven into the deep." Hereby Michaël emerged as victor of the battle against the powers of darkness.
The celebration time of Saint Michaël is a calling to us to recognize and acknowledge these powers and call them to a halt.
There are countless legends from earlier ages which tell about Saint Michaël's deeds. And in art many images can be found of Michaël with his sword, personified as an angel or a knight.
Since medieval times, when knights occupied themselves with spreading Christianity, the legend of George and the dragon started to become known. Without fear he set off to fight the dragon. He overwon the monster with his lance and by doing so he freed the king's daughter, who would otherwise have been sacrificed to the dragon. With this deed George accomplished on earth, what Michaël accomplished in the heavens.