Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Essence of Everything

In this present state of the world, the necessary component of life on the planet is awareness of wholeness with regard to Nature and ouselves, an awareness with which women are often more familiar and in tune. But women must learn to focus and give priority to what we find valid in our own experience without need to look to the past for justification. The close relationship of a poet or mystic to Nature can be everyone's ordinary relationship, and our culture can change from one of rapism to one of interchange with and appreciation of the beauty and value of the Earth and beyond. One way that men and women can cease splitting ourselves into various parts, even cease dichotomizing being and becoming, is to recognize our androgynous wholeness. The angels are an example. Androgynous, they use their masculine and feminine aspects as suits the situations.

It is from our wholeness, our divinity that we can then relate to anyone else and to our world. If I am out of tune with myself, I am out of tune with the universe. The core of relationship is to be at one with oneself and therefore at one with the essence of everything.

Drawn from: Dorothy Maclean: "To hear the angels sing" - an odyssey of co-creation with the Devic Kingdom