On the strand
My gaze towards the sea
With you I feel at one
Words drift towards me on the wind
Then dryly fall
Dry as the sandbar in the distance.
A splash of sunlight on my shoulder
The muffled wash of incoming waves
Above which the shrill laughing
Children's voices tumble
And in the midst of all this tumult
The discovery
That stills all else to silence:
The great ocean
That seems to have no end.
A splash of sunlight on your shoulder
Your hair that shines
From the glinting, spattering water:
A mermaid.
I pick up the shell
That lies at my feet
A house, a deserted house
Of an animal:
Angel wing.
Sometimes I feel like the animal
Sometimes the house, the shell
Together with you.
Later, much later
The image drifts up once more
On the ocean of my dreams
Takes on different forms
But never, never again
As on that day
On which you and I
Formed an unshakeable one-ness
With the ocean
As in an ancient covenant.